Saturday, December 15, 2012

Blue Haired Girl

I finished a second small painting on one of the Arizona Green Tea can canvases I made. The ginseng green tea is my favorite and I love the design and colors on the can. There are small bits from the can peeking out around the edges. I like this blue haired girl with the flower in her hand. I started it last week and finished it tonight. I was inspired by Teesha Moore. I love her journal pieces. I saw her stuff in Somerset Studio once. I would love to take one of her classes.

I joined an altered book swap and I made these Valentine pages to swap. I can't wait to see the pages I get.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Trying something new

I have been painting and creating mixed media pieces for the past 4 months.
book pages, mixed media, water color, portraits, phone book pagesbook pages, mixed media, water color, portraits, phone book pages

I started with collage, acrylics and colored pencils. Now I really like water color and collage.

can, mixed media, water color, portraits

 Here are some I have not finished yet.